
Embrace Different Perspectives: Growth Through Understanding and Empathy

As a speaker, I get the chance to speak in front of diverse crowds—people from all walks of life and different industries. It's interesting because I don't always see eye to eye with everyone. But just because someone has different beliefs doesn't make them an enemy.

A good friend of mine, who's a big journaler, shared something interesting. She uses a prompt journal that gives her questions to reflect on. One question stood out to me: If you could write a letter to your favorite supervillain and ask them anything, what would it be?

While nobody's actually a supervillain, it's a great way to think about how we can come together and understand different perspectives. Let’s dive into how we can use this mindset to improve our relationships and growth.

Understanding Different Perspectives

The question I’d ask a supervillain like Heath Ledger's Joker or Thanos from the Avengers is: What does your story look like from your point of view? This question is powerful. When we’re in conflict or don't agree with someone, we need to understand their perspective.

When I travel and hear how people from other countries view Americans, it gives me a completely different perspective. So, ask people with different beliefs, “What does your story look like from your point of view?” Listen without trying to change their mind or prove them wrong. Just care enough to understand them. This can create real connections and growth.

Identify Pain Points

Another important question is: Where does the hurt come from? In business, understanding your client's or customer's pain point is key. The sooner you know someone's source of pain, the sooner you can help. Everyone has some sort of pain point. It could be stress, lack of resources, or feeling unappreciated.

If you can identify and address these pain points, you become an asset to others. People want to be around those who help them with their challenges.

Honest Self-Reflection

Finally, ask yourself: What is it about me that makes me the enemy in someone else's eyes? This is a question of growth. It’s not about blaming yourself but understanding if there are qualities you need to work on. Sometimes, those who don’t agree with us can provide the most valuable feedback.

Seek diverse views of yourself to become more complete. Spend some time today understanding why you might be the villain in someone’s story. By doing so, you’ll learn more about yourself and others.

Embrace different perspectives for personal and professional growth. 

For more insights and resources on confidence building, consider shopping our Mindset Books & Apparel to support your journey, booking a mindset speaker to inspire your team, exploring our free mindset resources, or listening to the Shark Theory Podcast.

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