A person rowing a boat upstream in a calm river at sunrise, symbolizing overcoming negative bias and building confidence.

Overcoming Overthinking: Build Confidence with Reps and Muscle Memory

In our daily lives, we often find ourselves overthinking situations, getting caught up in negative thoughts, and feeling frustrated and confused. But what if I told you that overthinking rarely leads to positive outcomes? In fact, our minds are wired to focus on the negative, which can hinder our progress and success. In this episode of Shark Theory, we explore the concept of overthinking and the importance of taking action through the lens of reps and muscle memory.

The Negative Bias of the Mind

"Your mind is geared toward negative bias. Your mind is geared toward avoiding pain. So if you just give your mind free rein to think about whatever it wants, more times than not, it's going to think about all the things that are wrong, all the things that could go wrong, and how horribly wrong those things could go."

When we allow our minds to wander without direction, they tend to focus on the negative aspects of a situation. This negative bias can lead to overthinking and a spiral of frustration and confusion. Instead of dwelling on the potential pitfalls, we need to train our minds to focus on taking action and moving forward.

Rowing Upstream Against Negative Bias

"If you want to truly go uphill, if you want to fight the battle uphill, if you want to reach mountain peaks, you have to train your mind to say, look, I understand there's a current going against me. I understand I have a negative bias, but I'm going to be sure that I am rowing my oars and rowing my pal and rowing my boat upstream because I'm not going to be a person who just goes downstream. I'm not going to be a person who just drowns himself in negative thoughts."

To overcome the negative bias and avoid getting caught in the current of overthinking, we must actively work against it. We need to take control of our thoughts and focus on moving forward, even when faced with challenges. By rowing our oars upstream, we can break free from the cycle of negativity and make progress towards our goals.

The Power of Reps and Muscle Memory

"Reps are better than thought. Don't overthink it, just do it. Because what's going to happen is the more that you do it, especially in athletics, you develop what's considered muscle memory, meaning your body knows. Okay, when I get up to this deal, when I go through this routine, and routines are important."

When it comes to developing a skill or improving in any area of life, taking action is more valuable than simply thinking about it. Repetition is key to building muscle memory, which allows us to perform tasks without conscious thought. Whether it's in sports, business, or any other field, the more reps we take, the more our bodies and minds become attuned to the task at hand.

Becoming an Expert Through Consistency

"If you can just commit to a craft long enough to give it enough reps to just develop a memory, after a while, you become the guru, you become the expert, right? And then at that point, it turns into an intuition, right? You've done it for so long that you no longer really have to think about it."

Through consistent practice and repetition, we can reach a point where our skills become second nature. This level of expertise allows us to rely on intuition rather than conscious thought. Whether it's a professional golfer stepping up to the ball or a seasoned chef creating a masterpiece, their intuition guides them because they have put in the reps and developed muscle memory.

Embracing Action Over Thought

The concept of reps and muscle memory has far-reaching implications in various aspects of our lives. By understanding the power of taking action and building muscle memory, we can unlock our full potential and achieve greater success. In sports, athletes spend countless hours practicing their craft, honing their skills, and developing muscle memory. This allows them to perform at their best under pressure, relying on their intuition rather than overthinking. The same principle applies to business and other fields. By consistently putting in the work and taking action, we can become experts in our respective domains.

By actively engaging in positive actions and focusing on progress, we can rewire our brains to think more optimistically. Over time, this shift in mindset can lead to increased confidence, resilience, and overall well-being.

Building confidence through consistent action is essential for personal growth and achieving our goals. By understanding the root of overthinking, practicing mindfulness, taking small risks, setting achievable goals, surrounding ourselves with support, and learning from failures, we can build the courage and confidence needed to succeed. For more insights and resources on confidence building, consider booking a mindset speaker to inspire your team, exploring our free mindset resources, listening to the Shark Theory Podcast, or shopping our Mindset Books & Apparel to support your journey.

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